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Brian E Warner 9010 College Drive Vernon, BC. V2B 1P6 Canada
The scenes above are typical views that are seen every day in the Yukon. Everywhere one looks are mountains, not just bumps in the ground but rugged mountains rising to 10,000 ft and above. Below the mountains are magnificent lakes. These lakes are commonly 30 miles or more in length, but generally long and narrow, and always running basically North and South. The whole land runs North and South in great corrugations several miles wide and hundreds of miles long, as if some monster ploughman had ploughed furrows from horizon to horizon. Draining this land is a great river system culminating in the Yukon River, which itself runs for 2000 miles, generally Northward, until it reaches a flatter area where it can swing West and then through Alaska and out to the Bering Sea near Nome. This is the land which has influenced my paintings, and the reason why my scenes are dominated by the distant mountains, with the blue water of a lake or river in the foreground.
It's the great big broad land 'way up yonder, It's the forest where silence has lease; It's the beauty that fills me with wonder, It's the stillness that fills me with peace. Robert W. Service.